
Dental Education Hub Courses

Hands on Rotary Endodontics 2025

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Course Description

Presented by Dr. Michael Khoury, Dr. Michael Lee, Dr. Gus Jang and Dr. Mostafa Elkholy

Date: Friday, 21 March 2025
Time: 8.00am – 5.00pm
Location: ADA House, WA
Registration Fees (GST Inclusive):
ASE Members: $880.00
Non-members: $1,200
CPD: 7 Credits

The ASE WA is excited to offer a comprehensive full-day hands-on course featuring lectures on the history of rotary and reciprocating techniques, canal preparation, and root canal fillings, along with an extensive hands-on component. Experienced Endodontists from the Australian Endodontic Society (WA Branch) will deliver insightful lectures throughout the day, sharing valuable tips and tricks. The hands-on portion will allow participants to explore various file and root canal filling systems, with system representatives on hand to demonstrate motors and provide additional information. Training kits featuring plastic teeth will be available for practice.

Participants will also be required to bring some extracted teeth with prepared access cavities. This course has limited seating.

For any assistance or any queries please contact
Dr. Christiana Lee Secretary – ASE (WA Branch)
M: 0431 640 774
E: asewainc@gmail.com

About Instructor