Unsightly Black Triangles, a Tricky Restorative Procedure Made Easy with Flowable Composites and Warming
Clinical Case: Dr Michael Cai
About the Case
The patient, a male in his mid-30s presented to the practice requesting improved aesthetics of the lower anterior teeth. Dark/black triangles had developed after fixed orthodontic treatment implemented to correct moderate to severe anterior crowding of the lower anterior teeth. Initially a referral was made to a periodontist for possible gingival and bone grafting procedures, but it was deemed unpredictable in this case. Other restorative options offered to the patient included indirect restorations; veneers and crowns. These were not a conservative option due to the aggressive nature of the required preparations to achieve the desired aesthetic result. Patient opted for a minimally invasive approach.
About Dr Michael Cai
Dr Michael Cai graduated with Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia, Perth, and was awarded with Honours for his outstanding academic and clinical achievements. He also has extensive experience working as a dental technician. He has received numerous prizes and the prestigious ADRF and Delta Sigma Delta research scholarships for research and publications in high ranked academic journals. Dr Cai has also completed the Master Clinician program in Implant Dentistry Program from the University of California in Los Angeles and the GIDE institute.